Wednesday, June 08, 2005

WIP Wednesday

Is it Wednesday already! Wow, the weeks fly by when you're having fun.

1) crocheted shrug: 1 sleeve done plus one cuff and about an inch of the second sleeve
2) turquoise crocheted socks: longer a WIP. woohoo
3) homespun knit hooded sweater: half a sleeve and a hood to go
4) baby quilt for someone who might read this blog: only the hand stich on the binding: 1 side left (I HATE hand stiching) jeez it seemed like I had done more than that. Oops
5) knitted sweater for hubby: back complete
6) various other projects that have not yet really reached a state of "in progress yet" !
7) started another pair of socks and have 0.5 sock complete

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