Sunday, July 31, 2005

who gets a cold in summer????

Ug ug ug. I'm sick. I can't seem to kick it. This is the worst cold I've had in a while and it just won't quit. I'd really really like to join reality again soon. That and all the travel are the main reasons for not blogging...but I did manage to accomplish something this week before the cold hit full force and I wanted to share it.

Page one of my dissertation is no an actul page of writing! Woohoo. Just a million more to go!

Baby steps, I'll get there.

Oh yea...congrats to the sis for learning to drive on the highway. Now we can really be hell on wheels together. And a giant THANK YOU!!! to Alice for teaching her!

Monday, July 18, 2005

A link just for marky

This one is for my dear hubby....if he ever reads this!
...they're coming to get you!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Who are you?

I'm, CzarinaFuzzy Fibers. Who are you?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

WIP Wednesday

So I missed last Wednesday...Oops....But, this was a good one.

Check it out!!!

I bought the yarn...No lie 4 years ago. I started the knitting in September of 2003! And finally my comfy sweater is complete. woohoo.

So the list now stands:

1) crocheted shrug: 1 sleeve done plus one cuff and about an3/4 of the second sleeve
2) knitted sweater for hubby: back complete
3) knitted socks for hubby: one sock done, 4 inches of second cuff complete
Completed since last posting!!!
Homespun knitted sweater
--two more dishcloths

uh oh...only three WIPs....I'm slacking!

morning joke

so, I'm procrastinating. Mainly because I have to go practice my talk for the conference next week and don't want to. The girls at crochetville thought this was funny and so did I. You might too.

Some of you know my strong thoughts on "university barbie" and her stomping on intelligent women everywhere, but a crafty barbie...I might be into that!
You Go crafty Barbie.